Friend in need; friend indeed!
Hello Friends and Veterans, Today I reflect on a truly remarkable woman that has awakened me and enriched my life unbelievably. Her name is Rosemary. She has permitted me to...
12:00 Community Center Tours & Refreshments
1:30 Welcome by Casey Rollins
1:40 Blessing by Father Larry Gearhart
St. Vincent de Paul’s Community Center & Food Pantry Open House. St. Vincent de Paul Society has generations of rich history spanning from its 1833 origins in Paris. Arriving in the US by1845, our Springfield SVdP church conferences began around the 1960s. Today, we are thrilled to share our Springfield District Council’s 40th birthday, which includes six church conferences from here to Russells Point, Ohio, as well as three thrift stores, four food pantries, and countless special works ministries.
Every day, Vincentians feed, clothe, shelter, and counsel struggling men, women, and children. We offer empathy and provide resources, giving relief and hope to our friends in need. They offer us an opportunity to share our charisms of spirituality, and service, as we practice “Love of God of neighbor.”
We have always known that there will always be people in poverty and extreme need. There will always be strangers in our regions who need our help and our welcome. God willing, there will always be Vincentians and other servant leaders there to serve those needs. All of us here today represent that willingness.
We haven’t always known WHAT circumstances might besiege our neighbors each day, demanding further calls to action by US. More importantly, we haven’t always known just HOW we were going to respond to those needs specifically.
Today’s Open House represents St. Vincent de Paul’s loving answer, our fervent response to the ever changing needs of our community, amidst a worldwide pandemic, a homelessness crisis, & a dramatic surge of Immigrants needing housing & employment.
When Springfield District Council was forced to close its doors for eight weeks at the dawn of Covid, that powerlessness provoked us to re-evaluate the safety and efficiency of our practices in our existing facilities. We were certain we could never go back to the once tightly fitted indoor person to person services. We had to have a bigger location, if we were ever permitted to let our people back inside. And then, as a friend recently reminded me, “God winked”, and this building opened up for us. Our people can now return inside to our choice pantry and for emergency, food, shelter, and other services for independent living.
Since Clark County has experienced a miraculous growth in immigrants, estimating over 7,000, St. Vincent has broadened its outreach, with deeper ministry to Springfield’s Haitian & Hispanic neighbors. While food and shelter needs are essential, immigrants’ focuses have centered around their rights to work and have clear immigration statuses.
SVdP hopes to collaborate with local leaders, political advocates, public service agencies, partner nonprofits, and neighbor churches to address these imminent needs. Our new facility also offers dedicated space to the Haitian and Hispanic community; offers technological opportunities to all neighbors; and provides a friendly atmosphere for community service events and collaborations.
We have many people to thank for helping us make this center happen. We‘d like to commemorate our :
Major Donors In Memory of: Pat Dixon (Bruggers), Sophia Doyle, Nancy Fahy, Wilson- Sheehan Foundation, Quinlan Foundation. Our Donor Wall is underway, including those donating $20. to $20k. We’d also thank a large group of local consultants, artists, businesses & contractors, service technicians, as well as countless volunteers who filled in wherever necessary. We will have a presentation, specifically honoring our Volunteers who keep SVdP running every day, and who have helped maintain our organization over many years. We will have our blessing and our proclamation.
1:40 Introduction & Blessing by Father Larry Gearhart
As we join together to bless our Community Center, let us begin by hearing the Mission Statement of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We are : “A network of friends inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”
(Presenting the Chapel Cross) May this crucifix always remind all who serve in this Center, that they have the responsibility to live the Mission and Values of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Almighty and everlasting God grant to this facility the grace of loving compassion to all those who walk through these doors. Bless all the volunteers who give of their time and love to bring your goodness and concern to those who come seeking comfort and assistance. Bless all who serve here; guide them in all of their decisions, so that through them, all may find your peace and goodness. Amen
1:50 Proclamation by Mayor Warren Copeland
2:00 Statement by State of Ohio, Deputy Director, Michael Fraizer
2:10 Ohio Latino Commission, Manuel Lopez
3:00 Introduction by Anthony Bickers
3:10 Volunteer Recognition
Statuary restoration:
Cathey Kramer
-Crucifix, Mary Koerner
-Rocking Horse Center (waiting area furniture)
-Mike Morris, Code Blue, tables
-Rob Rollins, office furniture
-Harold Miller, Bechtle Walmart, pantry, food, racks, and couches
-Richard O’Neill, pantry refrigerator
Special Thanks To:
Matt Frawley, Rick Darr, Deb Cooper, Ed Moritz, Joe Bohn, Randy Yontz
Food provided at our Open House:
Sheehan Brothers Vending
Special Thanks to our Donors:
We would like to thank our donors and volunteers that contributed their time, talent, and treasure to purchase, renovate, and furnish the St. Vincent de Paul Community Center. We are still working on a permanent piece for the facility.
Anonymous; Rosemary Asebrook; Vicki & Jack Bailey; Molly & Jim Baldwin; Nikki & George Beach; Cindy & Mark Beckdahl; Carole & George Belcher; Alice Bell (in memory of Ruth “Ivey” Mammolite); Doreen & Tony Bickers; Jan & Phil Bobay; Joe Bohn; Eileen & Chuck Bremer; Patricia & Richard Brown; John (Jack) Brugger estate; Patty & Dave Cafferty; Ellen & Charles Carey; Connie & John Cavanaugh; Dr. Millie Chamberlin; Linda & Don Cochenour; June & Dave Collins; Conroy Funeral Home / Kyle Conroy & Bryce Conroy; Lonnie & Jack Conroy; Deb & Pat Cooper; Michelle & John Curtis; Rick Darr; Lynne Davis; Peggy & John Derr; Kristine & Stephan Dillard; Patricia Diller; Patricia Dixon estate (through Mountainview Christian Church, in memory of Pat Dixon & Carl & Mary Lou Brugger); Elizabeth Downey; Janice Drake; Judith Duffy; Nancy Fahy estate; Pat Fairbanks; Tiffany & Patrick Field; Rita Fitzwater; Carolyn Fleming; Vicki & Steve Fourman; Matthew Frawley, Andrew Frawley; Anonymous; Beverly Powell-Gaier & Tony Gaier; Amy & John Gaier; Fr. Lawrence Gearhart; Patricia & Richard Gibson; Robert Goodfellow family; Sandra & Peter Hackett; Alice Hale & Henry Wickham (in honor of parents Dorothy & Richard Hale & Dr Richard Darr who cared for in-laws Henry & Patricia Wickham); Margaret Halk; Deb & Ben Hamilton; Barbara & John Hamilton; Mary Anne & John Harner; Constance & Steven Hay; Mary B. Hays; James Hearlihy; Kathie Hellmuth; Robert Herider; Marcia & Danny Hiles; Laraine Hune; Anonymous; Ted Kalinos; Patricia & Leo Kelly; Connie & John Kevin Koehler; Catherine Kramer; Marilyn & Kevin Kreider; Helen & Jay Krumholtz; Catherine & Timothy Kuss; Jerry & Sue Lawrence; Debra & John Linkenhoker, Jr.; Liz, Gus, & Tony Lippolis; Karen & Mark Lotz; Ruthellen Lough; Patricia Lubbers; Jacqueline & John Lyons; MaryBeth Sheehan & Martin, Mahoney; Carol & John Maiorano; Rosanne & Gerald Majcher; Frank Marino; Phillip Metzger; Harold Miller – Bechtle Ave. Walmart; Steve Moody; Ed Moritz; Mike Morris – Code Blue; Mary Lu & David Moss; Mary Ann Nafz; Jane & Thomas Nash; Bill O’Neill; Michelle Palmer; Barb Pellegrini; Patricia Perry; Abbie Powell; Quinlan Foundation Grant; Kathie & Tim Rigel; Debbie & John Ritter; Sally Rizer; Rocking Horse Center; Casey & Rob Rollins (in memory of Bob & Rosie Kelly & Doc & Joanne Rollins); Theresa Rollins (in memory of Doc & Joanne Rollins); Marilyn Ryan; Cynthia & Eric Samuelson Family Trust; Gus Schissler; Pamela Severs; Paula Shell; Laurel & Tim Shouvlin; Delia & John Simonton; Jeanne & Dave Simonton; Sara & Avtar Singh; St. Bernard Conference; Michelle & Jim Sweeney; Deanna Tehan; James Tumblison; Sophia Turnbull; Frank Valley; Pamela & George Walker Family Fund; Amy & Brian Welch; Laura & Kevin West; Jim Williams; Rebeca Wilson; Wilson Sheehan Foundation; Gloria Woeber & Raymond Woeber; Randy Yontz
Business Patrons/Contractors-
-Rich Whalen, Pete Hackett, Tom Loftis, Consultants
-Fulkhomebaseteam @ Real Estate II Inc. Lori & Al Fulk,
-Sarah Crow-Lyons, Realtor
-Jim Williams, Contractor
-Charles Setterfield, Architect
-Mark Wiley, Architect
-John Geiger, Structural Engineer
-Frank Marino, Contractor
-Linda Hart Environmental Serv.
-Todd Tehan, Contractor
-C & N Industrial Contractors
-Sean Langen Masonry
-Brian Reese Roofing
-Mike McLean, Ohio & Indiana Roofing
-Scott Combs, Above All Glass
-Tyler Weller, Bakers Locksmith
-Cathey Kramer, Restoration Artist
-Dayton Metal Door
-Chris Fazio, Fazios Flooring
-Gavin Ritter, IT. -Gabe Kuss, IT
-Riley Asphalt -Par Striping
-Mike Peters, Route 40 Signs