St. Vincent dePaul Community Center Is Open
BLESSING CEREMONY St. Vincent de Paul Community Center 10/23/2022 12:00 Community Center Tours & Refreshments 1:30 Welcome by Casey Rollins 1:40 Blessing by Father Larry Gearhart St. Vincent de Paul’s...
SVdP in Springfield has maintained our Vincentian spirit of service with redirected energies, offering prayer from our homes; redirecting our food resources to Interfaith Hospitality Network and Second Harvest Food Bank; doing occasional emergency assistance by phone; and providing essential bedding and other forms of shelter brought to us through agency referrals.
In preparation for re-opening our Pantry, Thrift store, and varied services early in May, our new reality includes the expectation to alter our services and procedures in compliance with health and safety guidelines. As such, we appreciate your ideas and suggestions regarding new best practices with the Council, Pantry, Conferences, and Thrift Store activities and services.
Services include:
-Assuring that necessary equipment: gloves masks, Clorox wipes, hand cleanser are in place and being used;
Tent and chairs should be arranged below the ramp/steps. Applicants sign in as they arrive beginning at 10 AM.Volunteer signing people in wears a mask and gloves.
-Enforcing Social Distance protocols regarding person-to-person contact during all services.
Outside Pantry: Applicants will stand 6 feet apart or sit in chairs under the tent waiting to be called for their assistance.
Hand sanitizer will be outside for neighbors to use.
Food Pantry Assistance-
Calls for Scheduling: Wednesday and Friday 10:00AM to 12:30 PM Only designated call-taker and computer inputter are in the pantry at this time. Call takers will advise applicants that they should be wearing a mask and gloves when picking up food boxes. They will also remind applicants of other safety changes/protocols.
IF emergency assistance is provided on Wednesdays and Fridays, facilitator will be in & around pantry for sign-ups.
-Pre-assembled Pantry foods-
Prior to food box pickup Tues. & Thurs., If available, use Thrift store staff to organize and fill boxes starting at 8:30 or 9 AM. Include original pantry volunteers who can adapt to these safety protocols to participate.
Pantry Food Pickup Appointments-
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00-1:30 PM
During regular 15 minute intervals, neighbors are to arrive with ID and are met on the patio ramp to check in. They should be wearing a mask and gloves. They will make a choice of meat selection and they are handed the preassembled food box at the door. No signatures are required.
Walk in Assistance-
Facilitating Walk-in assistance for Shelter, IDs, birth certificates, work boots, prescriptions; Tuesday – Friday, 10:30 AM to completion. Clients on the patio remain outside until called.
Inside Pantry: Large white table set up in front room for Walk-in assistance: Lodging, boots, IDs, BCs. Hand sanitizer will be available for neighbors to use.
W-I Facilitator sits at one end, applicant sits at the other. Facilitator wears a mask and gloves, while handling IDs.
ALL Applicants must still have proof of identification for services.
2. ID’s –Applicants must still have existing proof of identification.
3. Birth certificates – Applicants must still have existing proof of identification.
4. Work boots –Applicants will complete paperwork and supply appropriate note from employer. Jerry Lawrence will be contacted for those arrangements.
-Organizing to-go food packages for the homeless….. If our neighbors are hungry, offer them a small food bag.
-Taking HOME VISIT Calls for Church Conference Emergency Assistance;
10 AM to 10:30 AM, or until eight/nine calls are accepted.
After call-taker completes Tuesday and Friday lists, designate and distribute calls to conference representatives. “Visits“ will be conducted by phone at visitors’ convenience until further note. All rent and utilities commitments can be handled by phone with an email payment voucher. (need a template?)
All free furniture and appliance requests can be made by phone. Richard, Sienna, Or Casey can determine if requested item is in stock at the thrift store. If store request Cannot be fulfilled, Call Sue’s Furniture or MCM Appliances; both will deliver. Or, the client can pick the item up at those establishments.
-Picking up foods-SHFB, Meijer; Jerry Lawrence and Rick Darr will continue orchestrating picking up foods.
-Loading foods into basement; Thrift store staff will assist if available. Other volunteers are appreciated.
-Stocking pantry shelves; Rick Darr will continue orchestrating this process.
-Purchasing toiletry items; Jerry and Sue Lawrence will continue to purchase and deliver toiletries.
-Bread pick ups, now at SHFB; Jerry Lawrence will continue with training and scheduling volunteers for bread pickups, Including safety and distancing protocols.
-Cultivating the pantry garden 1 to 2X weekly; Vincentian Volunteer will work with Rick Darr and Chuck Sheehan to coordinate watering, pruning, harvesting, Packaging the Pantry garden items, with safety/distancing protocols.
-Assuring that necessary equipment: gloves masks, Clorox wipes, hand cleanser are in place and being used;
-Enforcing health protocols regarding person-to-person contact during all services.
-When inviting customers into the store
–Preparing carts for customers
-Cashiers at the thrift store must;
-Free clothing ministry at the thrift store Tues. through Fri.
-Organizing, hanging clothing and donations at the thrift store Tuesday through Saturday;
-Preparing linens at the thrift store Tues. through Sat.
-Organizing books and novelties at the thrift store;
-Separating donations at the thrift store Tues. through Sat.;
-Compiling auction items from Thrift store;
-Bailing clothing at warehouse Tuesdays & Thursdays;
Thanks Vincentians for suggesting these practical recommendations for safe methods to resume our Saint Vincent dePaul services.
P.S. Special
With prayers for everyone‘s health, in spirituality, friendship, and service,