St. Vincent dePaul Community Center Is Open
BLESSING CEREMONY St. Vincent de Paul Community Center 10/23/2022 12:00 Community Center Tours & Refreshments 1:30 Welcome by Casey Rollins 1:40 Blessing by Father Larry Gearhart St. Vincent de Paul’s...
Greetings St. Vincent de Paul Customers, Staff, and Volunteers,
Effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020
St.Vincent dePaul Thrift Store is
until further notice.
All DONATIONS to the thrift store are suspended until further notice. No Drop-Offs.
All DONATION PICK-UPS (already scheduled) are suspended until further notice.
NO NEW DONATION PICK-UPS will be scheduled until further notice.
NO DELIVERIES will be provided until further notice.
NO FREE CLOTHING provided until further notice.
In compliance with Public Health directives from Governor DeWine and the Ohio Department of Health, these practices will be restored once this Coronavirus is under control.
We appreciate your understanding and support of St. Vincent de Paul. Please stay healthy.
NOTICE: St. Vincent de Paul Neighbors, Staff, and Volunteers,
Effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020
St. Vincent de Paul Pantry is OPEN with RESTRICTIONS until further notice.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society Springfield District Council is implementing changes for the overall welfare of staff, neighbors, and volunteers.
Until Further Notice:
FOOD PANTRY: SVdP’s CHOICE Pantry is temporarily altered. Food will be prepackaged and given to neighbors. Recipients will wait outside by the ramp until called to pick up their food.
Food Pantry appointments will continue to be taken Wednesday for Thursday pick-up and Friday for Tuesday pick-up. Anyone coming in for food without an appointment or without proof for dependents will be given a box of food for a family of 1 or 2 until identification is verified.
For homeless who arrive needing immediate food assistance, St. Vincent de Paul Pantry has pre-packaged “to go” bags for them. If for any reason prepackaged food box distribution is not working effectively, our pantries may have to consider closing indefinitely.
Pantry must be sanitized regularly. Sanitize solution can be made with 1 TBSP of bleach per 1 gallon of water. Or Clorox wipes can be used.
EMERGENCY WALK-IN ASSISTANCE: This service will be provided as usual, serving one person at a time. This includes emergency shelter, IDs, and birth certificates.
Any volunteers showing any symptoms are not permitted to work and should stay home and recuperate, not returning until further notice. Any volunteers who are not comfortable continuing with facilitating Pantry food-service or emergency walk-in assistance should contact Rick Darr, Jerry Lawrence, Or Casey Rollins immediately so that we can re-organize.
All SVdP Conferences: Will continue with activities at their discretion, but in compliance with State & O.D.H. guidelines. Please be sure to appropriately notify all Vincentians in your conference as well as publishing your revised conference activities in your church bulletins as necessary. Springfield District Council will be publishing Pantry and Store operation changes in our bulletins.
HOME VISITORS: Please call the neighbors in need and attempt to resolve the situation by phone. If that is impossible, the pantry can be used for limited “home” visits with “Social Distancing”. As we may not be in the pantry all day, home visitors need to call ahead to be sure the pantry will be opened.
As we all know, the constant flow of information, rules, and recommendations from the governor and the O.D.H. are fluid and evolve by the hour. These alterations are in compliance with Public Health directives from Governor DeWine and the Ohio Department of Health. Our usual practices will be restored once this Coronavirus is under control. Stay healthy.
In Spirituality, Friendship, & Service….